On May 16, 2021, the prestigious Springer Link portal announced the scientific monograph “Rural Economic Developments and Social Movements: A New Paradigm”, prepared by scholars R.Vilkė, D.Vidickienė, Ž.Gedminaitės-Raudonė, V.Simonaitytė, and E.Ribašauskienė from the Lithuanian Centre for Social Sciences, Institute of Economics and Rural Development, Department of Rural Development. The monograph is published by Palgrave Macmillan Publishing House, under special copyrights transferred to Springer Nature Switzerland. The monograph summarizes the five-year researchers' work on the issue, which is now available in both electronic and printed forms.
Focusing on the demands of the new innovative, sustainable and inclusive rural development paradigm, the monograph raises the discussion regarding new approaches and success factors that are vital in current rural socio-economic development and policy transformations. The bottom-up policymaking, self-organization, creative use of knowledge in rural areas, and many other rural innovations are aligned in this book with new social movements’ theories, which help disclose, explore and explain the rural development paradigm shift. Rural developmentforces of the 21stcentury center on the agents of change - rural population, and, surprisingly - urban population(!), and the political debate concerning EU Common Agricultural Policy and European Green Deal, illustrated with multiple case studies. This book will be of interest to a broad audience of readers, keen on scientific, political, and practical issues of innovations in rural areas and their future development pathways.
Feedback on the monograph was received by well-known researchers of rural development issues in Europe: Dr. Paweł Chmielinski, President of the European Rural Development Network and Professor at the Institute of Rural and Agricultural Development, Polish Academy of Sciences; Prof. Dr. Maria Nijnik, Principal Scientist of The James Hutton Institute, UK, Coordinator of H2020 SIMRA project “Social Innovation in marginalised rural areas”, and Dr. Vladimír Székely, senior researcher of Institute of Geography, Slovak Academy of Sciences.
Details of the content of the monograph are available on the Internet: