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Scientific projects

A group of researchers funded by the Lithuanian Science Council is launching the project "Sustainable Rural Area Development via Recreational Trails (TRACKS)"
ESIRA project acknowledges that innovative social economy initiatives, focusing on local networks, competences, and resources, are able to recognise the important role of citizen-led activities to fulfil the needs of rural areas, especially marginalised ones. The main objective of ESIRA is to contribute to the rollout of place-based innovative social economy initiatives for rural inclusion and development in (marginalised) rural areas by supporting enabling frameworks, well-interconnected policy architecture and directly piloting innovative solutions which ultimately build more inclusive, resilient and prosperous rural areas.
The project aims to determine which profiles of Euro2040 farmers are characteristic for Lithuania and which of them have the highest and lowest economic resilience. In order to achieve this goal, not only the profiles of Euro2040 farmers specific to Lithuania will be verified, but also a universal index for measuring economic resilience at the farm level will be created. It will be compiled by employing at least 3 multi-criteria research methods. The possible alternatives are: SAW, TOPSIS, VIKOR, COPRAS and EDAS.
Researchers of the Lithuanian Centre for Social Sciences participate at the Horizon Project GRASS Ceiling. GRASS Ceiling will develop a context where women can drive socio-ecological transitions, that is, develop innovations in response to socio-ecological challenges and strengthen the resilience of rural areas. This is essential to deliver the UN’s goals on gender parity, realise the EU gender equality strategy, and achieve the goals of the Green Deal, the Farm to Fork strategy, the Long-Term Vision for Rural Areas and the European Pillar of Social Rights.
In 2023, the Lithuanian Centre for Social Sciences (LCSS), Institute of Economics and Rural Development launches a new Horizon Europe project “Tools4CAP - Innovative Toolbox empowering effective CAP governance towards EU ambitions”. Tools4CAP stands for HORIZON EUROPE-CL6-2022-GOVERNANCE-01 Coordination and Support Action (CSA) call for proposals in the field of innovative tools and methods to evaluate the design and support, monitoring and implementation of effective CAP strategic plans.
On 15–16th September 2022, researchers from the Lithuanian Centre for Social Sciences (LCSS), Institute of Economics and Rural Development dr. Živilė Gedminaitė-Raudonė and dr. Rita Lankauskienė took part in the International scientific conference “Cooperation and experience of science in support of policies for rural development”, devoted to the 20th Anniversary of the European Rural Development Network, ERDN (2002–2022), which took place in Mielno, Poland.
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused disruptions in the agri-food supply chains. As the agri-food supply chains are related to the basic needs of the population, the governments have responded with a plethora of policy measures aimed at alleviating the undesirable effects of the COVID-19. Still, there is no clear understanding as to how different policy measures interact and affect the viability of the agri-food supply chains. In this project, we resort to the concept of the viability of the supply chains and seek to devise the measures thereof by employing multi-criteria analysis and simulation. This will allow identifying the combinations of the policy measures ensuring effective use of the public funds and improving food security via the proper functioning agri-food supply chains. The case of Lithuania will be dealt with in the empirical analysis.
Research Council of Lithuania funds the project ,,Assessing the most appropriate measures for increasing the economic resilience of Lithuanian agriculture to reduce the consequences of the COVID-19“.
Researchers of the Lithuanian Centre for Social Sciences Institute of Economics and Rural Development have implemented research project “Food waste and food loss calculation, identification of the underlying causes, and recommendations along the food supply chain". The project sought to assess the food loss and waste in the primary production, processing, retail, and final consumption (households and catering).
Lithuanian Institute of Agrarian Economics takes part in international scientific project “SHERPA - Sustainable Hub to Engage into Rural Policies with Actors”, implemented under HORIZON 2020 - RUR-2018-2020 Rural Renaissance programme, Grant agreement no. 862448.