In 2023, the Lithuanian Centre for Social Sciences (LCSS), Institute of Economics and Rural Development launches a new Horizon Europe project “Tools4CAP - Innovative Toolbox empowering effective CAP governance towards EU ambitions”. Tools4CAP stands for HORIZON EUROPE-CL6-2022-GOVERNANCE-01 Coordination and Support Action (CSA) call for proposals in the field of innovative tools and methods to evaluate the design and support, monitoring and implementation of effective CAP strategic plans.
Tools4CAP consortium covers 14 partners (Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Slovenia, Spain) and 7 associated entities (Poland, Bulgaria, Hungary, Lithuania, Latvia, Romania, Slovakia). The project is coordinated by ECORYS (Belgium). Institute of Economics and Rural Development takes part in the project as an associated partner of the European Rural Development Network.
The ambition of the project is to provide decision-makers with suitable tools for a more evidence-based policy design.
Specific Tools4CAP objectives are:
1. Provide a shared knowledge base and an evaluation of methods and tools used for the design and implementation of the SP.
2. Identify and adapt innovative methods and tools.
3. Empower end users to adopt innovative solutions.
4. Establish a replication lab supporting the practical demonstration and uptake of innovative solutions.
5. Set up a capacity-building hub to transfer capabilities to end users.
Tools4CAP consortium first met on 13-14 February 2023 in the Kick-off meeting, which was hosted by project coordinator ECORYS in Brussels (Belgium). The meeting was devoted to discussing the project's contents in detail and allocating the starting tasks for consortium partners.
Project start date: 1 January 2023
Duration: 4 years
Budget: ~4.000.000 €
Coordinator: ECORYS (Belgium)
Partners: 14 partners + 7 associated entities
Project implementation team in Lithuania:
Dr. Živilė Gedminaitė-Raudonė, zivile.gedminaite@ekvi.lt
Dr. Rita Lankauskienė, rita.lankauskiene@ekvi.lt
Dr. Rasa Melnikienė, rasa.melnikiene@ekvi.lt
Dr. Vitalija Simonaitytė, vitalija.simonaityte@ekvi.lt
More information on social media: https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/tools4cap
More detailed information will be available soon on a project website.