Project "Interactive Strategic Management Methodology for Improvement of Agricultural Entrepreneurship in Central and Easter Europe" under Leonardo da Vinci programme "Transfer of Innovation"

Project "Interactive Strategic Management Methodology for Improvement of Agricultural Entrepreneurship in Central and Easter Europe" under Leonardo da Vinci programme "Transfer of Innovation"

In November 2011 the Lithuanian Institute of Agrarian Economics (LIAE) started implementation of the international project 'Interactive Strategic Management Methodology for Improvement of Agricultural Entrepreneurship in Central and Eastern Europe' funded under the European Union Leonardo da Vinci programme 'Transfer of Innovation'. 


The Project is coordinated by the Natural Sciences University of Warsaw and by the LIAE together with the Lithuanian Agricultural Advisory Service in our country. Cooperation partners are from Poland, the Netherlands, and Slovenia.


The Project is beneficial to agricultural consultants, dairy farmers, students of agricultural schools. The training to be initiated already in February will enable them to deepen their knowledge of strategy planning and skills of entrepreneurship. Successful entrepreneurship will be trained following interactive methodology developed and effectively practised in the Netherlands – Agricultural Economics Research Institute, in the Waginengen University Research Centre and in the AgroCentre for Sustainable Entrepreneurship. The effectiveness of the methodology tested as a part of the project implementation and adjusted to Lithuania is expected to also convince farmers from other agricultural production branches.

Project activities have been initiated to continue for 24 months. On November 23–25 last year, international partners gathered in Plonsk, Poland, to discuss working issues. In early February experts from the Netherlands will visit us to take part in the first farmer training.


Project „Interactive Strategic Management Methodology for Improvement of Agricultural Entrepreneurship in Central and Eastern Europe“ actitivties implemented in 2012:


Train the trainers course:

  • 4-6th of February (Panevėžio district)

Three days training „Entrepreneurship with vision. Interactive Strategic Management“ for dairy farmers:

  • Šiauliai (Aušros str. 66 A):
    • 7th of February, duration: 10:00-16:00;
    • 21th of February, duration: 10:00-16:00;
    • 6th of March, duration: 10:00-16:00.
  • Panevėžys (J. Žemgulio str. 46):
    • 8th of February, duration: 10:00-16:00;
    • 20th of February, duration: 10:00-16:00;
    • 5th of March, duration: 10:00-16:00.
  • Alytus (Merkinės str. 2b)
    • 9th of February, duration: 10:00-16:00;
    • 23th of February, duration: 10:00-16:00;
    • 8th of March, duration: 10:00-16:00.
  • Kupiškis (Gedimino str. 34-5)
    • 13th of February, duration: 10:00-16:00;
    • 27th of February, duration: 10:00-16:00;
    • 19th of March, duration: 10:00-16:00.
  • Mažeikiai (Ventos str. 8A)
    • 14th of February, duration: 10:00-16:00;
    • 28th of February, duration: 10:00-16:00;
    • 20th of March, duration: 10:00-16:00.
  • Šilalė (V. Kudirkos str. 19)
    • 2nd of April, duration: 10:00-16:00;
    • 9th of April, duration: 10:00-16:00;
    • 16th of April, duration: 10:00-16:00.


Remark: the same dairy farmers participated in 3 days training in mentioned places.


Training „Entrepreneurship with vision. Interactive Strategic Management“ for vocational agricultural students:

  • Joniškis (Upytės str. 77)
    • 13th of December, duration: 10:00-17:00;
    • 14th of December, duration: 10:00-17:00.



Project „Interactive Strategic Management Methodology for Improvement of Agricultural Entrepreneurship in Central and Eastern Europe“ actitivties implemented in 2013:


Return meetings with dairy farmers participating in trainings „Entrepreneurship with vision. Interactive Strategic Management“:

  • Kupiškis (Gedimino g. 34-5):

18th of February, duration: 10:00-16:00.

  • Mažeikiai (Ventos g. 8A):

19th of February, duration: 10:00-16:00.

  • Šilalė (V. Kudirkos g. 19):

20th of February, duration: 10:00-16:00.

  • Šiauliai (Aušros al. 66 A):

21th of February, duration: 10:00-16:00.

  • Alytuje (Merkinės g. 2b):

22th of February, duration: 10:00-16:00.



International project 'Interactive Strategic Management Methodology for Improvement of Agricultural Entrepreneurship in Central and Eastern Europe' funded under the European Union Leonardo da Vinci programme 'Transfer of Innovation' dissemination event for farmers, agricultural consultants, municipality workers:

  • Kelmė (Birutės g. 4):

23th of December, duration: 10:00-14:00.



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