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BASCIL project workshop in Klaipėda region

BASCIL project workshop in Klaipėda region

On 24 January 2024, researchers from the Institute of Economics and Rural Development of the Lithuanian Center for Social Sciences have participated in BASCIL (Innovative Solutions for the Rural Food Production Sector to Diversify into Sustainable Culinary Tourism Services) project workshop in Klaipėda region, Brožiai. The workshop "Creating new culinary tourism products and services or updating existing ones" was dedicated for local food producers and farmers who intend to deliver culinary tourism services in a near future.


During the meeting, the researchers from LCSS IERD presented the possibilities and necessary steps for the development of culinary tourism in Lithuania, presented the benefits of culinary tourism, discussed the canvas business model, explained the portrait and expectations of the culinary tourism tourist, discussed traditional and virtual channels on how to reach potential tourists and what services local food producers could propose.


The practical workshop was attended by representatives from the municipality of Skuodas district, Skuodas information center, Pamario tourism cluster, Vaclovas Intas stone museum, Skuodas museum, LAG "Pajūrio kraštas", Brožiai village community and a large group of Klaipėda region farmers and local food producers. During the meeting, the project participants presented their produced products and the services they already provide or want to provide, got to know the business consultant advising the project participants and discussed the upcoming work plan. The project participants will present their progress and the ideas generated with the consultant at the hackathon that will be held in March.



More information about the project:  https://interreg-baltic.eu/project/bascil/ 

The project is implemented by:

Dr. Živilė Gedminaitė-Raudonė (project manager in Lithuania), tel. (+370 5) 2617 978, e-mail zivile.gedminaite@ekvi.lt;

Dr. Rita Lankauskienė, e-mail rita.lankauskiene@ekvi.lt;

Dr. Vitalija Simonaitytė, e-mail vitalija.simonaityte@ekvi.lt.


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