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LSMC launches a new INTERREG project "BASCIL – Innovative Solutions for the Rural Food Production Sector to Diversify into Sustainable Culinary Tourism Services”

LSMC launches a new INTERREG project "BASCIL – Innovative Solutions for the Rural Food Production Sector to Diversify into Sustainable Culinary Tourism Services”

Lithuanian Centre for Social Sciences launches a new INTERREG project „Innovative Solutions for the Rural Food Production Sector to Diversify into Sustainable Culinary Tourism Services (BASCIL)”


In 2023, the Lithuanian Centre for Social Sciences (LCSS), Institute of Economics and Rural Development launches a new Interreg Baltic Sea Region 2021-2027 programme project “BASCIL – Innovative Solutions for the Rural Food Production Sector to Diversify into Sustainable Culinary Tourism Services”. BASCIL stands for Interreg program call for proposals under the priority of “Innovative societies” and its programme objective “Resilient economies and communities”.


BASCIL consortium covers 15 partners from 8 countries (Norway, Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Denmark). The project is coordinated by lead partner Krinova Incubator&Science Park (Sweden). Institute of Economics and Rural Development takes part in the project as a partner.


Project goal is to improve the resilience and sustainable growth of local food producers in rural areas through diversification of their business activities in the field of culinary tourism.