A new model for customer purchase intention in e-commerce recommendation agents

A new model for customer purchase intention in e-commerce recommendation agents
Authors:dr. Dalia ŠtreimikienėIERDVahid Mohseni Roudposhti Mehrbakhsh Nilashi Abbas Mardani Sarminah Samad Mohammad Dalvi-Esfahani



Recommender systems were introduced to improve the online shopping experience by recommending appropriate products and services to customers according to their preferences. This research develops a new model by identifying the factors that influence customers’ purchase intention in recommender systems. The research model of this study was developed by reviewing the previous studies on web-based information systems, e-commerce and recommender systems. Quantitative data was collected from questionnaires conducted among the customers of online shopping websites. The questionnaires was adopted from the previous researches, and validated by the experts in the fields of information systems and recommender systems. Descriptive and hypotheses’ analyses were performed on the collected data using statistical analysis software and Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling. The results reveal that Accuracy, Diversity, Ease of Use, Recommendation Quality, Satisfaction, Trust and Usefulness have significant influence on customers’ intention to purchase a product recommended by the recommender systems. The developed model and the findings of this research will help e-commerce websites’ developers and e-commerce providers to enhance the recommender systems based on the factors that contribute to their quality.


Roudposhti, V.M.; Nilashi, M.; Mardani, A.; Streimikiene, D.; Samad, S.; & Ibrahim, O. 2018. A new model for customer purchase intention in e- commerce recommendation agents. Journal of International Studies. Vol. 11, No. 4, p. 237–253, online ISSN 2306-3483, print 2071-8330; doi:10.14254/2071-8330.2018/11-4/17; [Indexed in Emerging Sources Citation Index].

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