Cereals and oilseeds farms effectiveness increasing by optimization methods (in Lithuanian language)

Cereals and oilseeds farms effectiveness increasing by optimization methods (in Lithuanian language)

The main aim of the article is proposition of tool which helps to increase the effectiveness of farms specialist cereals, oilseed and protein crops. The article investigates the problem of the lower profit and less stable activity comparing to other types of farming. To maximize the profit the farm production optimization model was developed. It’s estimated that farm production optimization allows to increase rapeseed area by 3 %, wheat - by 7 %. Due to optimal resources distribution farm’s economic indexes can increase 8 %, working efficiency - 5 %.

To achieve the stated aim retrospective, economic analysis, comparison and mathematical programing methods were used.

Key words: Farm specialist cereals; Oilseeds and protein crops type of farming; Production optimization; Farm effectiveness.

JEL codes: C61, Q12, Q14.

Jedik, A. 2013. Javų-rapsų tipo ūkių efektyvumo didinimas naudojant ūkio gamybos optimizavimą, Management theory and studies for rural business and infrastructure development =Vadybos mokslas ir studijos - kaimo verslų ir jų infrastruktūros plėtrai 35(2): 224-231. ISSN 1822-6760 [EBSCO host: Business source complete nuo 2006 (EBSCO sąrašas) Central & Eastern European Academic Source nuo 2006 (EBSCO sąrašas); Ulrich’s; IndexCopernicus].