Clustering expression in the lithuanian grain sector: case study (In Lithuanian language)

Clustering expression in the lithuanian grain sector: case study (In Lithuanian language)

The article deals with a relatively quick worldwide phenomenon, i.e. clustering or a tendency to concentrate geographically of related companies and associated institutions because it is a prerequisite for the development of competitiveness. An analysis of a theoretical framework for the development of clustering, the cluster concept, and the evolution of this concept was made and the case study based on the Lithuanian grain sector’s situation analysis concerning the clustering aspect and willingness of enterprises to join the cluster was carried out. The assessment of clustering opportunities in the grain sector is presented.

Keyword(s): grain sector, clustering, clusters.

Sigitas Vaitkevičius, Aldona Stalgienė. Klasterizacijos raiška lietuvos grūdų sektoriuje // Vadybos mokslas ir studijos - kaimo verslų ir jų infrastruktūros plėtrai = Management theory and studies for rural business and infrastructure development / Research papers, 2010. nr. 22(3), p. 174-180., ISSN 1822-6760 (EBSCO, Business Source Complete, Central & Eastern European Academic Source).

Publication: Clustering expression in the lithuanian grain sector: case study (In Lithuanian language)