Implementing the EU strategy in Baltic states: a multi-objective evaluation

Implementing the EU strategy in Baltic states: a multi-objective evaluation

The European Union has been fostering creation of the common market since the treaty of Rome in 1958. This document was followed by many strategies aimed at economic cohesion and improvement of competitiveness both at national and the EU levels. Hence it is possible to evaluate specific country's situation and compare it with other countries by using various specific indices or applying statistical and mathematical methods. In this framework Baltic states in particular are considered. The aim of this article is to demonstrate how multi-objective evaluation methods can be applied when performing international comparisons, which is quintessential for strategic management and the open method of coordination.

Keywords: multi-objective optimization; MULTIMOORA; structural indicators; Baltic states; European Union.

Brauers, W. K.M.; Balezentis, A.; Balezentis, T. Implementing the EU strategy in Baltic states: a multi-objective evaluation // Actual Problems of Economics, No 8, 2012, p. 317-329. ISSN 1993-6788 (SSCI by Thomson Reuters Scientific (Impact Factor database); SciVerse Scopus by Elsevier; Index Copernicus; EBSCOhost; Ulrich’s Periodicals Director).

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