Lithuanian elderly people provisions for the public transport services in rural areas (In Lithuanian language)

Lithuanian elderly people provisions for the public transport services in rural areas (In Lithuanian language)

The ageing of population is the tendency in many countries. The changing demographic situations changes the usual processes in society, opens new possibilities and new challenges. The ageing of population is especially significant in rural areas of Lithuania. The question arises “is it good to get old in rural areas”, because being old - is a risk, live in rural areas - double risk factor. Appropriate rural infrastructure is one of the conditions, ensuring quality life for elders. The purpose of this article is to identify attitudes of elder residents toward transport infrastructure and the ways they are solving mobility problems. The results of questionnaire survey have showed that elder rural dwellers are not satisfied with traditional transport service, provided in rural areas especially living in remote villages and having a poor health. They are dependent on the help of relatives, neighbors in the mobility sense. The need of alternative transport service arises to ensure the independent, comfortable ageing in rural areas.

Key words:rural area, elderly people, transport infrastructure, public service.

Kuliešis, G.; Pareigienė, L. 2014. Pagyvenusių Lietuvos kaimo gyventojų nuostatos dėl viešojo susisiekimo paslaugų Iš: Kaimo socialinės infrastruktūros vystymasis = Development of Rural Social Infrastructure [Mokslinių straipsnių rinkinys]. Elektroninis išteklius. Akademija: Aleksandro Stulginskio universitetas, 2014. p. 40-44. ISBN 978-609-449-073-6.