Low Carbon Transition Sustainable Agriculture in the European Union

Low Carbon Transition Sustainable Agriculture in the European Union

Low-carbon transition is a shift from an economy that depends heavily on fossil fuels to a sustainable, low-carbon energy economy. This book analyzes the role of renewables in driving the low-carbon transition in agriculture, explores the circular bio-based economy, and examines policies and strategies designed to facilitate low-carbon transition in agriculture, greenhouse gas mitigation, and adaptation trends in the European Union agriculture sector. It provides new knowledge and understanding about the impact of low-carbon energy transition, emphasizes the key role of renewable energy in a wide range of agricultural activities, and offers alternative sustainable solutions to current practices.


Keywords: agriculture, low carbon transition, sustainability, European Union.


Streimikiene D., Siksnelyte-Butkiene, I., Balezentis, T. (2024). Low Carbon Transition. Sustainable Agriculture in the European Union. CRC Press: New York. 334 p.  ISBN 9781032607900. DOI: 10.1201/9781003460589