Market research. Agricultural and food products No 5 (26)

Market research. Agricultural and food products No 5 (26)
RINKOTYRA. Žemės ūkio ir maisto produktai. Nr. 5 (26)

Market Research No. 5(26), Part 1, Market of the Lithuanian agricultural and food products, summarizes the variations in the markets of grain, potatoes, vegetables, milk and meat in the second part of 2004. The analysis includes the volume of the agricultural output and of the purchase, trends of foreign trade with the third countries (due to technical obstacles the data on the trade with the EU countries according to individual product groups are not published yet) and the variety of producers, processing enterprises and retail prices. The comparison of the data on Lithuania with the data on other countries is presented.

Part 2, Scientific research and analytical surveys, presents the prognosis of the beef and veal production (up to 2008), the summary of the farming activity results in 2003, the survey of the EU market of herbs and spices, trends of demographic status of rural development and of the Lithuanian rural areas as well as the experience from the operation of the licensed storages and the future perspective.

The data on the activities of some farms in 2003 is presented in the annex.

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