Modelling the determinants of organic farming (In Lithuanian language)

Modelling the determinants of organic farming (In Lithuanian language)

It is noted that despite the fact that in the world organic farming has being practiced already for a few decades, from the point of view of different related sciences so far scientists have no single opinion concerning the determinant factors. One of the reasons is the heterogeneity of organic farms as socio-economic systems. The heterogeneity determined the fact that in the previous research scientists made an attempt to identify the factors of organic farming and describe them according to various economic and social characteristics of organic farms or farmers, including and rapidly changeable parameters. Results of the research support the four major groups of the organic farming encouraging factors and classifying the organic respondents depending on the activity priorities into two homogenous groups (profit-oriented and organic-oriented lifestyle).

Keyword(s): organic farming, determinants of organic farming.

Virgilijus Skulskis. Ekologinio ūkinikavimo veiksnių modeliavimas // Vadybos mokslas ir studijos - kaimo verslų ir jų infrastruktūros plėtrai = Management theory and studies for rural business and infrastructure development / Research papers, 2010. nr. 22(3), p. 158-165., ISSN 1822-6760 (EBSCO, Business Source Complete, Central & Eastern European Academic Source).

Publication: Modelling the determinants of organic farming (In Lithuanian language)