Monitoring and evaluation of cooperative movement in Lithuania (In Lithuanian language)

Monitoring and evaluation of cooperative movement in Lithuania (In Lithuanian language)

Extent of cooperation is still insufficient in Lithuania and remains an important task for national authorities to stimulate development of cooperation processes. The basic principles explaining a design of framework to monitor and evaluate development of cooperative movement in Lithuania are presented in this article. The monitoring and evaluation system of cooperative movement was designed at Lithuanian Institute of Agrarian Economics and is oriented for the purposes of the intervention by the national authorities.
With the help of monitoring and evaluation system, the analysis of Lithuanian cooperative movement from 2005 to 2007 was accomplished. The following strengths of the movement have shown up. Cooperatives became larger (number of members increased), financial results also improved, applications were successfully submitted and confirmed when they applied for the European Union funds. However, lack of alternative cooperation forms based on cooperative principles, unequal distribution of cooperatives in Lithuanian regions and the dominance of small cooperatives prevented the cooperative movement from its developing that time.

Keyword(s): cooperative movement, cooperation development, monitoring and evaluation framework.

Dalia Vidickienė, Živilė Gedminaitė. Kooperacijos plėtros Lietuvoje stebėsena ir vertinimas // Vadybos mokslas ir studijos - kaimo verslų ir jų infrastruktūros plėtrai = Management theory and studies for rural business and infrastructure development / Lietuvos žemės ūkio universitetas. Ekonomikos ir vadybos fakultetas. Akademija, 2009, nr. 16 (1), 115-120 p., ISSN 1822-6760 (EBSCO, Business source complete, Central & Eastern European Academic Source).

Publication: Monitoring and evaluation of cooperative movement in Lithuania (In Lithuanian language)