Presence of networking features within Lithuanian rural network (in Lithuanian language)

Presence of networking features within Lithuanian rural network (in Lithuanian language)

Implementation of public policy through networks is encouraged by various motives. Mod-ern management reflects European Union’s transition to sharing of tasks and responsibilities: to common rather than separate operation. Policy networks represent an increasing number of political actors and changes in the forms of modern management. These networks appear as organized struc-tures, composed of actors and their interrelationships that are included in collective action, initiated for a joint problem solution. As well as in case of other policy networks, the success of Lithuanian Rural Network highly depends on the level of compliance of activities proceeded by this network and common networking features. The aim of this article was to define the concept and common features of networking and then to evaluate the presence of these features in Lithuanian rural net-work case. During the research, a systemic literature and document analysis as well as synthesis were carried out in order to disclose the concept and features of networking, mission, objectives and structural of the Lithuanian Rural Network. A structured interview of Lithuanian Rural Network members was carried out to assess the scale of mutual cooperation and information sharing. Rec-ommendations for the improvement of Lithuanian Rural Network operation were provided.

Key words: Lithuanian rural network, network, networking, networking features, policy network.

JEL codes: D85, L38, Z18.

Ribašauskienė,E.; Šalengaitė, D. Tinklaveikos bruožų raiška Lietuvos kaimo tinklo atveju // Vadybos mokslas ir studijos - kaimo verslų ir jų infrastruktūros plėtrai = Management theory and studies for rural business and infrastructure development / Aleksandro Stulginskio universitetas. Lietuvos agrarinės ekonomikos institutas. 2012, nr. 5 (34), p. 188-197, ISSN 1822-6760 (EBSCO host: Business Source Complete; Ulrich’s; IndexCopernicus).