The determination of direct payments‘ level across EU according to the production costs in agriculture (in Lithuanian language)

The determination of direct payments‘ level across EU according to the production costs in agriculture (in Lithuanian language)

The paper assessed the cost of agricultural production in EU Member States, in order to submit proposals for a possible value of direct payments in Lithuania since 2014. The paper analysed the production cost structure in agriculture, highlighting the key elements that affect farmers' performance. Classification of production costs in agriculture introduced. It enabled the comparison of objectively evaluated farming conditions among farms with various specializations. In addition, labour cost in agriculture and farmland prices in the EU member states were analysed. Multiple methods of production costs assessment as well, as European Commission's overall financial envelope for direct payments in the new programming period of 2014, were taken into account.

Key words: Direct payments; Common agricultural policy; Production costs; Agriculture.

JEL codes: Q12, Q18, D24.

Volkov, A.; Droždz, J. 2013. ES tiesioginių išmokų dydžių nustatymas remiantis gamybos išlaidomis žemės ūkyje, Management theory and studies for rural business and infrastructure development =Vadybos mokslas ir studijos - kaimo verslų ir jų infrastruktūros plėtrai 35(2): 297-306. ISSN 1822-6760 [EBSCO host: Business source complete nuo 2006 (EBSCO sąrašas) Central & Eastern European Academic Source nuo 2006 (EBSCO sąrašas); Ulrich’s; IndexCopernicus].