Threats and opportunities of Lithuanian agriculture and forestry related with climate change (In Lithuanian language)

Threats and opportunities of Lithuanian agriculture and forestry related with climate change (In Lithuanian language)

Climate change challenges enable us to evaluate the impact of climate change not only on nature but also on human activities. The aim of the paper is to present the research on the most significant threats and opportunities of Lithuanian agriculture and forestry related with climate change. Research was performed by Lithuanian institute of Agrarian Economics. Qualitative research methods were used in this research - SWOT analysis, generalisation of experience and focus group discussion. The most important external factors affecting Lithuanian agriculture and forestry were identified by using these research methods. These factors should be on the focus in the process of the risk management strategy formulation for Lithuanian agriculture and forestry

Keyword(s): climate change, external factors, agriculture and forestry.

Dalia Vidickienė, Rasa Melnikienė, Živilė Gedminaitė-Raudonė. Galimybės ir grėsmės, kylančios Lietuvos žemės ir miškų ūkiui dėl klimato kaitos // Vadybos mokslas ir studijos - kaimo verslų ir jų infrastruktūros plėtrai = Management theory and studies for rural business and infrastructure development / Research papers, 2010. nr. 22(3), p. 189-197., ISSN 1822-6760 (EBSCO, Business Source Complete, Central & Eastern European Academic Source).

Publication: Threats and opportunities of Lithuanian agriculture and forestry related with climate change (In Lithuanian language)