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Mokslo publikacijos ir leidiniai

The dairy sector is the second largest agricultural sector in the EU and Lithuania. It faces economic challenges (price volatility, farm consolidation and downsizing, etc.), but its importance outstrips other agricultural sectors (combining agro-systems and providing valuable food products for people). The aim of the study is to identify the vulnerabilities of dairy farms and to consider how to improve their performance after analysis of dairy farms in dairy exporting EU countries.
There are many barriers to green job expansion in the EU linked to cultural, economic barriers, organizational, political, technological technical, social, and behavioral barriers. The main drivers of green job creation include social norms and rules, governance policies, cultural values, demographic data, socio-economic inclusion, technical, and technological elements, etc. The aim of this paper is to analyze barriers and drivers that can influence green job expansion. The case study on green jobs expansion in the EU is provided based on statistical data from EUROSTAT.
Autoriai:dr. Justas ŠtreimikisEKVILadislav Mura Grigorios L. Kyriakopoulos Artūras Simanavičius Milica Delibasic
The main input of this paper is an examination of gender mainstreaming in the main agricultural policy documents of selected EU countries by applying a developed qualitative assessment framework based on the most important gender-linked issues. The agriculture sector has significant gender equality gaps due to limited access for women to land rights and productive resources, unpaid work issues, and restrictions in employment and decision-making. Gender has a profound impact on women's and men’s roles, access to and ownership of land and other resources, and their ability to make decisions in the agriculture sector.
Autoriai:dr. Justas ŠtreimikisEKVIGrigorios L. Kyriakopoulos
Monografija „Transformation through Servitization: A Qualitative Structure Approach” (liet. „Servitizacija kaip raidos vektorius: Kokybinės struktūros teorinė prieiga“) siūlo inovatyvų konceptualų ir empirinį supratimą apie servitizacijos strategijas žemės ūkyje ir kaimo regionų vystyme, išnagrinėtus per evoliucinio požiūrio prizmę, pagrįstą kokybinių struktūrų teorija.
Structural change, productivity.jpg
Vykdydami projektą „Veiklos analizės sistema struktūrinių pokyčių, produktyvumo ir klimato sąveikai tirti žemės ūkyje“, Lietuvos socialinių mokslų centro Ekonomikos kaimo vystymo instituto mokslininkai paskelbė monografiją apie Lietuvos ir Europos Sąjungos (ES) žemės ūkio sektoriaus vystymąsi. Monografiją išleido tarptautinė leidykla Springer. Knygos autoriai yra prof. Tomas Baležentis, prof. Dalia Štreimikienė, dr. Nelė Jurkėnaitė ir dr. Vida Dabkienė.
The subject of the work is to confirm the complexity of the relationship between the economy, culture, and institutions, concerning civilisational changes in the historical development process. The paper aims to point out the importance of culture for the sustainability of institutions and the economic system.
Autoriai:dr. Karolis AndriuškevičiusEKVIMilica Delibasic Niksa Grgurevic
Food production has significant impacts on the environment, particularly in terms of water usage. Losing food along the supply chain means that all resources, including water, used to produce that food are wasted. Through the lens of the water footprint, this paper expands the scope of water resource assessment by looking at the blue, green, and grey water footprints associated with food losses along the supply chain.
Autoriai: Erika RibašauskienėEKVI Ovidija EičaitėEKVIdr. Tomas BaležentisEKVIGiulio Paolo Agnusdei
Business ethics represents an important aspect that influences each country’s socio-economic system, and is important to society, environment, and economy. The present article aims to define significant attributes of business ethics in the sector of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and compares their attitudes within the three most significant business sectors in the Visegrad Group countries (V4 countries: Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, Poland, and Hungary).
Autoriai:dr. Justas ŠtreimikisEKVIJaroslav Belas Katarina Zvarikova Martina Jakubcinova
The issue of the future of abandoned agricultural land has become a prominent topic of discussion in contemporary scientific research and political discourses, especially considering the unique contribution of new-generation entrepreneurs to innovations in rural areas. The research increasingly provides evidence of how they serve as founders and catalysts of unconventional and often audacious ideas that ultimately transform abandoned areas into successful sustainable innovative business models with restored multifunctional land use.
This study delves into the influence of traffic-related pollution on respiratory diseases within the United States. While prior research has established a connection between air pollution and mortality or morbidity in sensitive age groups, this association has been predominantly observed in highly polluted areas, particularly in California. In this paper, we extend this line of investigation by examining adult patients with asthma symptoms across various metropolitan areas throughout the country.
Abstract: Low-carbon transition is a shift from an economy that depends heavily on fossil fuels to a sustainable, low-carbon energy economy. This book analyzes the role of renewables in driving the low-carbon transition in agriculture, explores the circular bio-based economy, and examines policies and strategies designed to facilitate low-carbon transition in agriculture, greenhouse gas mitigation, and adaptation trends in the European Union agriculture sector. It provides new knowledge and understanding about the impact of low-carbon energy transition, emphasizes the key role of renewable energy in a wide range of agricultural activities, and offers alternative sustainable solutions to current practices.
Digitalization of agriculture is one of the priorities of the EU’s rural development strategy “From Field to Table”, which promotes the creation of more added value and climate change mitigation in agriculture. A growing body of the literature argues that digitalization enables better information management, reduces production costs, and increases the potential for farm income growth, but only a few papers provide empirical studies on how digitalization improves the performance of small farms.